
The elder scrolls online initial release date
The elder scrolls online initial release date

It is the contrast between these areas that provides intrigue once the story allows the player to travel from the relative calm of High Isle to the deeply foreboding jungle climate on Amenos. The archipelago where the expansion is set is made up of two different islands, High Isle and Amenos, with a third island in the form of a dormant volcano. What they have chosen to do with that space, though, has been undeniably successful. In actuality, the expansion to the game world has turned out to be no less significant than many previous entries, with the developer noting that there is the same amount of explorable space for players to enjoy. When the expansion was first announced by the developer, players both new and old voiced concerns that a new, full-price chapter would seemingly offer so little (based on previews of the map). Stick with it, though, and the character interactions and story progression on show here are something the game has been yearning for.

the elder scrolls online initial release date the elder scrolls online initial release date

Though there is still plenty of combat to enjoy, the change of pace may prove underwhelming for some initially. The writing team has undoubtedly managed to strike that delicate balance between the inclusion of shocking twists while at the same time not straying into the territory of the ridiculous or unfounded.

the elder scrolls online initial release date

There are also several flagship moments in the narrative, which come out of the left-field, that genuinely prove jaw-dropping. The lack of existing lore and context for High Isle as a whole helps here, offering a lack of predictability which makes each new quest line become the equivalent of a new episode in an ongoing drama. Peeling back the layers to understand the conspiracies at play feels like uncovering a genuine and significant mystery. Though shady organizations and powerful aristocracy have all played a part in previous Elder Scrolls stories, they haven't been able to achieve a narrative that allows for such intricate player involvement as ZOS has here.

The elder scrolls online initial release date