
Tattletale synonym
Tattletale synonym

tattletale synonym

Sorry to crunch all that into so few lines, but the script for additional suggestions doesn't seem to work in my browser.Men to be jailed for trying to sell woman for Dh3,400 in Dubai He claimed: | A police informant was involved |The break-in was allowed to happen | Priority was given to maintain the informant's cover, and | The. Its most typical context is someone who tells the police - not necessarily a paid informant, but anyone who reports a crime. In the broader sense that's used for telling a boss, telling the police, etc., not just for children, another AE option is snitch.

tattletale synonym

I believe BE also still sometimes has the hyphenated spelling 'tell-tale' as a variant. 'Telltale' (adj.) still is used in AE, but the entry for 'telltale' (n.) probably needs to be marked chiefly BE it's not used in AE in the sense of a child who tells on other children at school. It would also be good to mark (ugs.) on all entries if that applies. They need to be deleted in favor of the one correct existing entry tattletale - die Petze Other synonyms in German could be added, such as 'der Petzer' it's unclear why that appears only with some options and not with others. These four mistaken entries seem to be based on the BE/archaic sense of 'to tattle,' meaning to gossip.

  • Apparently, a Giants tattletale called the cops and reported the party-gone-wrong.
  • tattletale synonym

    If you rat out the pill popper, you're likely to earn a tattletale rep around the office.Though you may feel like a tattletale or fear your parents having a fit, if your brother doesn't stop, it's up to you to blow the whistle.I don't want him to be perceived as a tattletale if he tells his teachers.The group made a point to share the differences between bullying and being a tattletale.To help kids break the tattletale habit, experts suggest parents start by exploring the motive.a child, who reveals secrets or informs on others a telltale. NOAD: tattle - report another's wrongdoing: he never tattled or told tales | I would tattle on her whenever I had hard evidence. A person who tattles on others informer talebearer. LEO: tattletale (Amer.) - die Petze tattletale (Amer.) - die Klatschbase tattletale (Amer.) - die Quasselstrippe tattletale (Amer.) - der Schwätzer | die Schwätzerin tattletale (Amer.) - die Tratschtante telltale - die Petze dobber (Aust.) - die Petze grass (Brit.) chiefly - die Petze squealer - die Petze sneak (Brit.) - der Petzer squealer - der Petzer snitch - der Spitzel snitch - der Verräter squealer - der Denunziant squealer - der Nörgler AHD: tattletale - n.

    Tattletale synonym